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February Newsletter

February News letter

Hello, and welcome to our February newsletter.

Its winter outside. Arguably the worst winter we’ve had in a while. Here at peakcyclinguk HQ it seems that we’ve had snow on the ground since early in December. It arrives in small quantities, hangs around for a bit before it starts to thaw (i.e. rain) and before its all quite gone we get some more. The whole process takes around ten days to cycle (sorry!) through and round we go again. Riding ones bike has been a challenge. That’s not to say we’ve not had some brilliant days.

Sometimes its been so cold the snow has turned super grippy under tyre and the sun has shone out at its radiant winter best. Not enough though, so inevitably you start dreaming of summer. Long hot summer days when riding your bike feels like your floating on the thermals, instead of wearing them.

For me that means I’ve been dreaming of getting out on my gravel bike. Now regular readers of this tome will know that I go on about gravel biking, or adventure biking if you prefer, quite a bit. That’s not because I dislike other forms of cycling, far from it, I like it because it is simply brilliant fun. I get to use the skills I’ve learned mountain biking with the skills I’ve learned road biking and put them all together in one ride. It’s that thing where you are quietly and efficiently whipping down one of the Peak Districts’ quiet country lanes and just there is a track. You’d never take your road bike on there, it’s too rough. You’d not take your mountain bike on there, it’s too easy. But, the bike you’re on now, the gravel bike! Oh yes! A quick flick of the wrist, no need to slow down and you’re off on an adventure. Sublime! You really can get to some interesting places that on another type of ride you wouldn’t necessarily go to.

Now if you’ve checked out our website at you will have noticed that we are running a four day Tour de Peak District ride from 26th to 29th July. If you want an adventure, a challenge, or to ride a classic route (its all three) book your place while you can. We’ll book your accommodation, take your luggage so you aren’t laden like a pack horse, sort your lunch, provide van support at key points (just when you feel like a brew) and guide you round so you don’t even need a map. The route largely follows the boundary of the Peak District National Park.

Starting in the Derbyshire town of Matlock in the White Peak, heading north west into furthest reaches of the Dark Peak before turning south back towards the White Peak again, to the finish back in Matlock. Turn that dream into a reality and live it. You can check the route in Chiz Dakin’s excellent guide book – Chiz says this about the route “The Tour de Peak District is a challenging but enjoyable multiday route around the edge of the Peak District - and is perfect for gravel bikes”. For more info about the route or Chiz, visit

Please note we do this ride in four days as we feel this is within the scope of most regular cyclist but does make it a little more challenging.

Too much? Not sure what gravel biking is about? Give us a shout and we can put a weekend together for you. We’ll even do a single day if you prefer so its just part of your holiday. Doing it with a few mates spreads the cost of a single day making it better value. We can make it as easy or as challenging as you want.…I just can’t guarantee that sunshine….

Mountain Bike Skills

(MTB Skills)

Arguably the best value upgrade for your bike that you can buy, Mountain Bike skills training is something many people overlook.

If you invest even a small fraction of your annual spend on bikes, kit and clothing to improve your techniques, you will improve your riding both at the trail centre and in “the wild”, beyond the trail centre.

We run our MTB skills weekends in Derbyshire, using the best Dark Peak trails in the Hope Valley and Edale. Concentrating on essential core mountain bike skills, we spend 2 days building your techniques, confidence and speed.

Our MTB skills weekend is competitively priced at just £120 for 2 days expert leadership and instruction, 28/29th April and 23/24th June. We also offer a ladies only MTB skills weekend, 19/20th May.

Why not book onto a MTB skills weekend and follow up with a Mountain bike tour later in the year? Have a look at our website for more details (

Also coming in 2018

· Ronde de Peaks –a classic road cycling weekend, crossing the Peak District from Macclesfield to Chesterfield, linking superb quiet roads and classic hill climbs (18/19th August)

· Wales coast to coast – a challenging MTB tour, crossing Wales from North to South, taking in some of the best trail centres but also taking your beyond the trail centre onto great tracks, trails and bridleways (29th August to 2nd September)

Children’s holiday cycling is back at Easter. Please look on the website for dates and details.

For dates of other MTB skills training and other events, please refer to the website for details.

book your tour or MTB skills weekend by emailing

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