Beards, bikes and selfies
After a very long break from blogging, Peak Cycling is back for 2022, slightly different but after nearly succumbing to the challenges of 2020 and 2021, I'm hoping 2022 can become a bounce back year for us.
I say us, buts its more "me" now, mostly. I want to say a massive thanks to G who has now (nearly) retired, 10 years after properly retiring from his proper job. After sparking this journey into the unknown (yep, his fault) I’m left steering the good ship Peak Cycling for the foreseeable. G will be back to help from time to time and I will continue to call on a group of excellent guides to help occasionally.
I had titled this blog differently until I picked some images from the last couple of years to refresh the media, and realised with social distanced cycling, I have LOTS of selfies in cycling helmets, with a beard of varying length. So, I thought it might make you giggle to see some of them. This one was taken just before I could go back inside a cafe and drink from a proper cup back in 2020 - beard at its fullest.

So, whilst it went VERY quiet for guiding, tours and school cycling, I still managed to get out for either my allowed hour a day, or (later, different rules) even a gravel Gran Fondo within 10km of my front door, without repeating anything. That took some planning!
We sadly had to cancel lots for 2020, then again 2021 and because of that I have decided that Peak Cycling will now operate on a Bespoke Tour basis only, so no more ferry and B&B bookings and fingers crossed, but if you'd like us to organise a tour in the Peaks, Highlands and Islands or even Tromso, Norway (yep, we've done that too) then get in touch; I'd love to help get your cycling ambitions rolling.
So, its bespoke tours all the way whether on
Gravel or even
From half a day to a whole week, whatever spins your gears
In fact, weekends on 2 wheels, of whichever tread of choice have become a speciality, from Yurts to hotels, we got it covered
Over the last year we have organised a few larger, business team events, including one-day road epics with full support and marketing machine backup through to a bunch of work colleagues MTBing and getting splattered with the Duke’s sheep poo (oh how we laughed…..and oddly, had lots of socially distanced cafe space later!!)

Usually the autumn and winter are very quiet but I think the unusual (let’s be honest, pretty rubbish) last 2 years spurred some hardly cyclists onto winter rides, including one which ended up as a winter carry and wishing we had crampons rather than cleats
Back in 2022 are kids school holiday days, starting with Wednesday Feb 23rd, 0930 till 1600. Minimum of 3 to run each day and we will be straight back to van trips to trail centres or the Peaks. Take a quick look at the Kids web page for all the details.
This is from a kids MTB trip to Bike Park Wales, which was amazing fun (until the uplift pass ran out and we had to ride up the tip, have a handy bag of sweets in your pocket)

Youth group cycling events look set to feature large across the summer, which is great after they’ve largely been stuck exercising their thumbs for 2 years. I'm excited to once again be working with Derby Kids Camp this summer.
Also on the horizon is a series of cycling based team building days for a larger business. Details are still emerging, but expect miles, smiles and mud. If you think your work team could benefit from some outdoor, fun face to face time, I can promise no Teams, no Zoom and can even plan a ride with rubbish mobile signal (if that floats your boat?). Drop me an email if this sounds interesting.
I’m set to lead my first eBike MTB day next month and have partnered up with Bike Garage in Bamford, who have an amazing range of options to quickly propel adventurous MTBers skyward without months of training. Think they’ll be waiting for me at the top! Must look out for a tow rope.....

Well, the beard is back to normal now, the old Primal clobber consigned to the "spare kit" drawer (which is bulging) and I'm now patiently waiting for my sponsorship deal. Before all the excitement of 2022 gets rolling, there are some website updates to follow in coming weeks, then back to monthly newsletters and the inevitable social media posts.
So, here we go, looking to the near future, Peak Cycling has gone all Bespoke Tour only, so if you want us, you know how to find us, and you will be amazed at what we (OK, just me now…) can put together for you.
Pedal ready, shoulder check, let's ride (in the middle of the lane, side by side even!)